시그마 삽질==six 시그마

mac 터미널 명령어 본문


mac 터미널 명령어

Ethan Matthew Hunt 2020. 8. 6. 23:46

You can use ctrl+U to delete before Cursor

You can use ctrl+K to delete after Cursor

You can use ctrl+W to delete just a word.

You can also use ctrl+C to cancel. ctrl+ U 라인삭제

You can also use ctrl+A to go to the beginning of the line. ctrl+ a 맨 앞으로

You can also use ctrl+E to go to the end of the line. ctrl +e 맨뒤로

ctrl+d 뒤 글자 삭제



alias ll = 'ls -hal' 지정후  편하게 ll로 리스트 볼 수 있음.


source :



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