시그마 삽질==six 시그마

git branch/checkout 본문


git branch/checkout

Ethan Matthew Hunt 2020. 8. 10. 20:01


1. branch


#show local branches
git branch

#show remote branches
git branch -r

#List all branches(include remote)
git branch -a

#Delete the specified branch
git branch -d <branch>

#Force delete the specified local branch
git branch -D <branch>
ex) git branch -D feature/test2

#Force delete the specified remote branch

git push <remote_name> --delete <branch_name>
ex) git push origin --delete feature/test2

#Rename the current branch to <branch>.
git branch -m <branch>




2.  checkout


#Switching Branches
git checkout <branchname>

#creates and checks out <new-branch>
#base:the current HEAD
# -b argument that acts as a convenience method which will create the new branch and immediately switch to it
git checkout -b <new-branch>
git checkout -b feature/yyy
feature라는 폴더속에 yyy 브랜치 생성됨

#creates and checks out <new-branch>
git checkout -b <new-branch> <existing-branch>

#Checkout a Remote Branch
In modern versions of Git, you can then checkout the remote branch like a local branch.
remote에 있던 branch가 로컬에 새로 들어옴+checkout.

git fetch --all 
git checkout <remotebranch> 

ex) git checkout feature/test(o) 
git checkout origin/feature/test (x)






Git Checkout | Atlassian Git Tutorial

Git branching intro. Create, list, rename, delete branches with git branch. git checkout: select which line of development you want and navigate branches



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